@mbkriegh Thanks! For me the issue is not whether he has a right to the platform I provide. I don't think he does, especially since there are pretty clear community guidelines. What I am concerned about is what happens if, at the venue, when I deny his a slot at the open mic, he decides to make a scene of some sort, or if he decides to make a stink on social media, or some such thing. (None of which I would put past his doing or at least instigating.) At that point, the venue and the concerns of the owners, who after all have to run a business, need to be accounted for. I believe my venue will support me, but thinking about it from this perspective puts into perspective for me the fact that running the series is unpaid work, that my series is neither a non-profit nor an LLC, that I don't have any kind of insurance connected with running the series, and so on.