@smokey That's interesting. One of the things I thought about while writing that work-flow-life post was an assignment that used to be pretty common, I think, among a certain group of college composition teachers, which was to write an autobiographical portrait of yourself as a writer. I never gave the assignment (though now that I'm remembering it, I might), nor was I ever given the assignment--it became fashionable after I graduated--but I do remember people talking about how so many of the stories were similar. I don't remember much more than that, but it's interesting to think about writing as a cultural activity into which people are initiated, that there are rites of passage, ebbs and flows of activities, etc. that follow certains kinds of cultural norms/narratives. I'm not trying to shoehorn your experience--of writing of reading my post--into this kind analysis. It's just what this comment of yours made me think.